目前分類:紐約遊學07 (25)
- Aug 16 Thu 2007 21:36
大家在學校最後一天 farewell party的感想!!
- Aug 16 Thu 2007 14:42
- Aug 16 Thu 2007 01:04
請繼續期待大家在學校最後一天的大家的離別感言喔! (這段很精采, 紐約上城將儘快上傳一些影像檔, 讓大家過過癮!!)
- Aug 13 Mon 2007 20:08
請電 02-27117606或email: ny.uptown@msa.hinet.net
- Aug 06 Mon 2007 11:44
我們的孩子現在正快樂的享受最後一週美東之旅的行程, 因為旅途中, 旅館網路取的較不易, Michelle老師也許無法在本週為大家更新照片或文章, 希望家長們見諒!
華航 CI011 台灣時間8/11早上6:05 抵達台灣
- Aug 03 Fri 2007 13:01
One Day More 再多一天吧!
"One Day More" is one of the songs in the musical "Les Meserable", but I think it is a very good phrase to describe our trip in NYC. Since we are leaving the city for the tour on Saturday, it's time to pack our stuff back home. A lot of kids now found that their suitcases are not big enough to put in all the things they have bought! This evening we went to have a cruise on Hudson River, and 13 of us took a limo back to the dorm! I believe it was a first-time experience for most of us. The limo was so big and long that everybody was very excited. Some of them even wanted the driver to take a longer route so that they could stayed in the car for a longer time! Tomorrow is the last day of class, and there will be a farewell party for students of the AENY program. Our children are very sweet and thoughtful; some of them bought flowers for their teacher today!
"One Day More" 是音樂劇"悲慘世界"裡的一首歌, 但是我想這是形容我們這趟紐約行到今天為止最好的形容詞了, 星期六就要離開紐約了, 也是該打包的時候了, 很多人已經發現行李箱已經裝不下他們的戰利品!!
今天晚上我們在哈德遜河坐郵輪. 欣賞紐約的夜景, 更讚的是, 我們搭"檸檬車"(limousine超豪華的加長型房車)回宿舍喔!!這可是一生難得的經驗呢!大家都超high的,還有人拜託司機叔叔繞路好待在車子裡久一點呢!!
明天就是上課的最後一天,學校將會為大家準備farewell party歡送派對, 我們團的小孩真是太貼心了, 今天還買了花送給他們親愛的學校英文老師!
- Aug 01 Wed 2007 22:11
The last week in NYC 在紐約的最後一週
Since this is the third and last week in NYC, students are given more free time to go around by themselves. Before they went to see "Les Miserable" on Monday evening, some of us went to "Dylan's Candy Bar". It is a candy shop owned by Ralph Lauren's daughter; there are countless kinds of sweets in the store. Across the street is the department store "Bloomingdale". Of course, we went in, but thankfully this time the students didn't spend too much money on shopping. Yesterday we went to Metropolitan Museum of Art. Students were given more than two hours to see the sections they like, and I went to buy the tickets for Friday's Yankees' game. Probably you'll wonder why we're going to the game again, but the answer is easy and clear-- Wang is pitching for that night's game! Although we watched a great game last time, it would still be a pity if we didn't see Wang. There are only a few days left for our stay in NYC, we will make use of every nickel of time and record the best memory of this city.
因為是在紐約的最後一週, 對紐約更熟悉了, 大家有更多時間自己去到處看看. 星期一晚上要去看悲慘世界前,我們去了"Dylan's Candy Bar"這是服裝大師Ralph Lauren的女兒開的, 各式各樣特別的糖果, 店的對面是" Bloomingdale"百貨,那可是紐約高檔百貨公司, 我們當然不能免俗的要給它逛逛啦!!不過還好我們的小朋友這次可沒花什麼錢!!
咦~~~不是去過了嗎??? 幹麻還買呢???????Do you know why?????
因為我們要去看王建民了!!! SO HAPPY! 國旗也都準備好了!! 大家一起來為王建民加油!!!
- Jul 30 Mon 2007 12:56
The Trip to Boston & Woodbury Outlet 波士頓與Outlet 之旅!!
Our first day to Boston was a little rough, but we finally made it to Boston and went to three distinguished schools- Yale, Harvard, and MIT. Although we set off late, we were lucky enough that we didn't encounter the heavy rain when touring these places. Boston is a very nice place; it is beautiful and quiet. Finally, after visiting Quincy Market, we went to the restaurant and had lobsters! Everybody (except Simon, it is so bad that he doesn't eat seafood) took a picture with their lobster and ate it up. We spent the night at Hilton Garden Inn. The rooms were pretty comfortable, and each room has two double beds for only two people. On Sunday morning, we headed to Woodbury Outlet. Although we were only given three hours to shop in this village of stores, we all made use of our time and bought a lot of clothes, shoes, and bags back to NYC. Tomorrow the group is going to watch "Les Miserable," and they are all looking forward to it!
第一天的波士頓之旅我們一口氣參觀了三個名校--耶魯,哈佛, 麻省理工學院, 雖然出發的有點晚, 但是我們超幸運的都沒遇上大雨, 波士頓真是個好地方,安靜又美麗, 參觀完昆西市場,終於到了吃龍蝦時間, 一人一隻, (除了Simon, 真是糟糕他竟然不吃海鮮), 大家不但跟龍蝦拍了照還通通吃光光。晚上住宿Hilton Garden Inn一人一張大床喔!超舒服的!星期天一大早我們衝到Woodbury!雖然我們只給了三個小時時間逛街,大家都充分利用而且買了很多衣服阿,鞋子阿, 袋子阿!大家可以卯足了勁喔! 明天就要去看悲慘世界了!!!
- Jul 28 Sat 2007 12:58
We're leaving for Boston! 就要出發去波士頓了!!
We are going to spend this weekend in Boston, Massachusetts. Tomorrow morning we'll meet at 8:30 and set off right away. On our way to Boston, we'll first stop in Conneticut to visit one of the Ivy League Colleges- Yale University and have brunch there. When we arrive Boston, we will go to two other famous universities- Havard and MIT. Of course, we will visit Boston's tourist attractions such as Quincey Market. What's the best, we will have lobster for dinner! According to reliable resources, each of us will have one lobster! You think that's it? No, here comes the best part- on the way back on Sunday, we're goning to stop by Woodbury Outlet!! It is a very huge outlet, and, believe me, it takes forevertime to go through each store!
這個週末要出發去波士頓了, 明天一大早八點集合後立刻出發, 到波士頓途中,我們的第一站會到長春籐名校--耶魯大學去參觀, 並且在那兒吃早午餐(BRUNCH), 到波士頓後,要參觀哈佛大學和麻省理工學院,真是名校之旅阿! 當然波士頓的名景可是不能錯過, 像昆西市場阿等等, 更讚的是..........晚上要吃龍蝦大餐喔!!根據可靠消息指出, 可是一人一隻大龍蝦喔! 讚!!
別以為這趟波士頓就只有這樣, 好戲還在後頭, 星期天回來的路上我們要去Woodbury Outlet, 那可是紐約購物的天堂, 那是一家超大的Outlet 即使是名牌都打了好幾折, 還曾經有朋友在第五大道和在這買到一模一樣的當季包包, 差了5-6000元呢, 逛完Woodbury的每一家店可是要花一輩子的時間呢!(It takes forever to go through each store!!)
- Jul 27 Fri 2007 17:53
我們的孩子在紐約一個多禮拜以來, 已經變成紐約通了!老師還有點哀怨的回報紐約上城說"大家的活動已經排的滿滿滿!" "沒有人要理我了!!" 因為再一個多禮拜大家要離開紐約了 , 大家已經覺得時間快不夠用了!!! 一刻不得閒, 還好大家都很乖, 英文課都沒翹課!!
其實很開心同學們都已經可以獨立的在國外生活了. 老師也一直提醒要與朋友結伴同行, 這是當初要大家培養的勇氣已經開始發酵了, 接下來, 回國後, 希望大家也會有想出國唸書的念頭喔!!
- Jul 27 Fri 2007 09:47
A feast of music 音樂慶典
Yesterday we experienced two diffent but both very wonderful kinds of music- gospel and the musical. In the morning, all the classes were gathered together on the 10th floor of the activity center (BTW, the view was great up there!) to listen to gospel music. The atmosphere was very good; everybody was touched by the spirit the singers conveyed in the songs and was infected with the happy mood. Actually, when the singers asked the audience to sing along with them, our member David did grab the microphone and sang! In the evening, we met in front of the gate of Majestic Theater, the theater of the musical "Les Miserable" and "the Phantom of the Opera," and we enjoyed the performance very much. The arrangement of the stage, the special effects, the music, the songs were all perfect. After the show, the kids started to discuss about the next musical they would like to watch. There are hundreds of choices, and among their options, I recommended "Les Miserable." Probably they will go watch it next week. This afternoon, we went to watch the movie "Die Hard 4". It is an action movie starred by Bruce Willis. Some of the students liked it, but some of them fell asleep because they said the seat were too comfortable!
昨天我們體驗了兩種非常棒而且很不同的音樂--福音音樂和百老匯音樂劇喔!!!一大早所有英文班同學在活動中心10樓集合準備聽福音音樂, (那裡的風景真不錯!!)大家都深深地被這種福音音樂給感動, 不管是歌手的歌聲還是氣氛,真是很感人, 一切都讓人感到很快樂
晚上的時候大家集合在歌劇魅影的戲院前(Majestic Theater),這戲院同時也演出世界名著"悲慘世界",大家都很陶醉音樂劇中, 音效,舞台效果,比看電影更身歷其境!
- Jul 25 Wed 2007 12:05
Houston, we have a problem! 休士頓, 我們有麻煩了!!!
I am very sorry to say that my laptop computer has been infected by a virus attack. It now doesn't work well and, the worst of all, I can't type anything in Chinese or it will freeze up. That means, from now on, I can only write the blog in English!! Sorry for the inconvenience. From the second week, students are given more individual time to explore the city on their own. Today, the students had a walk on the famous Brooklyn Bridge with their teachers and classmates, and we had lunch near the Trinity Church. It was very nice to walk from Brooklyn to Manhattan by foot, and the view was awesome! After lunch, some of the students went to the discount store "Century 21" to see if they could find a great bargain; other students went to buy sport shoes. Wherever they went, they all did a lot of shopping today! Tomorrow evening, we're going to see the world-famous musical "the Phantom of the Opera," and the students are asked to take the subway to the theater by themselves. As they have already stayed in the town for over a week, I believe it won't be a big problem for our kids!
真糟糕電腦中毒了, 打中文就會當機 , 也就是說從現在起我現在要用英文寫部落格囉!造成不便真是不好意思 !!
從第二週起NYU給同學們有更多的自由獨立時間讓他們自己去explore發掘這個城市, 今天大家跟自己英文班同學和老師用雙腳橫越布魯克林橋, 橋上的景觀真是美極了,可以看看相簿喔! 在三一教堂附近吃了午餐, 吃飽了大家到紐約最有名的折扣店CENTURY 21 shopping , 在這裡你可以買到便宜的名牌, 也有些人衝到運動用品店買運動鞋 ,不管去哪裡,大家都大豐收!
明天晚上我們就要去看世界名音樂劇"歌劇魅影", NYU要求同學自行搭地鐵到戲院集合,在經過一個多禮拜每天與紐約地鐵相處,相信對我們的孩子來說一點都不是問題! 期待歌劇魅影喔!
- Jul 24 Tue 2007 20:08
WHY? WHY? WHY?各位爸爸媽媽一定這一兩天發現怎麼沒有新消息????
WHY? Well, 我們Michelle老師的電腦有點水土不服小當機啦!
不好意思, 請各位爸爸媽媽耐心等待囉!
- Jul 23 Mon 2007 12:08
大家來留言了! Part 2
- Jul 23 Mon 2007 11:21
Did you see that!?
這句話是每當洋基隊打出ㄧ記好球時,看板上出現的字,用來形容我們今天看的這場比賽,真是再貼切不過了! 雖然大家都很期待能夠看到王建民出賽,幫他加油,但是沒有王建民的洋基隊仍然超棒! 我們頂著大太陽,在烈日下看球賽,ㄧ定是我們把好運帶給洋基隊,今天打擊的火力超旺盛,觀眾的情緒也high到最高點。在偌大的球場和其他數萬個球迷一起看球,真的很過癮,連從來沒有現場看過棒球賽的Tiffany, Fiona, Simon等人,也都非常地興奮。 跟洋基打線一樣發揮了強大威力的,是天上的大太陽,真的好熱喔! 這一場經過我們加持的球賽,最後以21比4的懸殊差距結束了。 儘管沒有王建民,這一場精采好球(根據棒球迷Tommy告訴我們,單場轟出六支全壘打可算是非常鮮有的紀錄呢!) 仍然讓我們大呼過癮。 只是各位爸爸媽媽們,可能要做好心理準備,到時接機看到黑了一圈的寶貝兒子女兒,才不會嚇了ㄧ跳喔!
- Jul 22 Sun 2007 20:21
會下這樣的標題,實在是有感而發,因為我們已經這兩天完全跟大採購沾不上邊。昨天參訪聯合國,經過導覽員的解說,我們對這個世界性的機構有了更深度的認識。 各位家長到時不妨考考孩子,問問他們聯合國有哪幾個主要的組織。 而且我們很幸運地在參觀途中,遇上了開會進行唷! 至於能跟shopping沾得上邊的,應該只有在聯合國的郵局買郵票明信片了。 這可不是普通的郵票,而是聯合國發行的郵票,在美國的其他地方可是買不到的喔!
晚餐則是團體行動(最近大家越來越有團隊精神了,讚!) 我們去了一家越南餐館,嚐試了Pho(讀音為ㄈㄜˊ) 愛搞笑的男生們還學了越南話的你好,現學現賣。 (喂!我們可是來學English的啦!)
至於今天,大家應該都累翻了吧! 美好的星期六,早上8點就起床集合,先到麥當勞吃早餐... 等等,這一間麥當勞可不是一般的麥當勞喔,這間麥當勞號稱是最有"氣質"的一家,除了在餐桌上擺上新鮮的花,還有一台平台鋼琴,可以用來現場演奏呢!
- Jul 21 Sat 2007 09:06
大家來留言了! Part 1
- Jul 20 Fri 2007 23:34
7月19日是我們團員Tommy的18歲成年日,身為相依為命的團友們當然得把握機會,好好慶祝一番,讓Tommy有個難忘的生日。 我們除了壽星之外的16個人,聚集在我們房間商討大計,大家的點子都很多很有趣,但是卻沒有人敢犧牲色相搏命演出,討論了一個多小時,最後決定還是用最老套的開燈喊 “surprise!”的招數。 我們已數隻的方式選出Jessie來負責把壽星拐騙到房間來。 為求演出順利,還認真地排練了幾次。 終於一切就緒,Jessie出發後,大家分別躲到房間四周,關上燈屏息以待…
在黑暗中感覺總是過得特別久。終於,聽到開門的聲音,就在大家都準備跳出來的當下,卻聽到Jessie大聲地說“Tommy不在!” 這一說真是掃了興致,只好開始搜尋Tommy的行動,負責可靠的班長Charlie到處去找他卻遍尋不著,找了半個小時,大家乾脆玩起美國版大富翁Monopoly邊玩邊等。 好不容易我藉著晚點名的名義把Tommy給叫回了寢室,我們又回到原位躲起來,等著Jessie給我們下cue。
最後到底是如何了呢?! 文字實在難以描述,且讓我在這裡賣個關子,等大家回去之後拿到活動花絮DVD就可以知道啦! 總之,雖然我們的壽星Tommy似乎是有感覺出一些端倪,但是仍然算是一次成功的慶生大會啦!
- Jul 19 Thu 2007 22:57
As the saying goes, "no news is good news," 昨兒個的"變電箱爆炸事件", 對於我們完全沒有影響, 而且呀, 那時我們還正好在帝國大廈86樓的觀景台上喔! 只見下面有一個街道不停地湧入消防車, 然後冒出陣陣白煙. 有小朋友就說, 剛剛好像聽說哪裡有爆炸耶! 我們在制高點上望呀望, 領隊Michael大哥就說, "冒的是白煙應該就沒什麼事了, 怕的是濃濃的黑煙, 白煙的話可能是因為早上下大雨(真的有夠大的), 什麼地方的電線走火了." 哇! 不愧是老紐約客, 回來看新聞發現真是被他完全命中了耶!
說到帝國大廈, 各位在台灣的親朋好友們一定有很用力地幫我們祈福齁, 出發前一小時原本還下著不小的太陽雨, 到出發時就停了呢! 真是感恩啦!
從帝國大廈下來之後, 我們一行人走到隔鄰有Korea Town之稱的32街大吃了一頓, 詳請請見相簿喔!
- Jul 19 Thu 2007 09:21
前兩天因為初來乍到, 有很多事情必須處理, 所以請Dee Dee暫且代班跟大家報告狀況。那麼先前已經提到的就不再贅述了。 今天是到達紐約的第三天,根據我們的program director的消息,我現在寫部落格的當下,學員們正在欣賞紐約的一絕之ㄧ-- Jazz喔!
昨天下午我們參觀了可與加州漁人碼頭媲美的南街漁港,晚上則是帶著學校多發的床單到中央公園的大草坪欣賞紐約愛樂交響樂團的演出。 但在從南街漁港回宿舍的地鐵站裡,竟然發生大事件了?! 我們的Jessie和Cerry,因為當時正值下班尖峰時間,一時不察地坐上反方向的地鐵!! 還好我們都有先教過大家,萬一不小心坐錯方向,不用驚慌,下車坐上對面的車回去就是了。 兩位小朋友也非常機靈地在發現坐錯之後用手機跟我聯絡,非常冷靜地說會坐對向的車回來。 我站在本來就夠熱的百年地鐵站癡癡地等著她們,真的是直冒汗呀! 終於盼到她們回來了,兩個人笑嘻嘻地對我說,雖然有點小緊張,但覺得這是一個非常好的體驗。