"One Day More" is one of the songs in the musical "Les Meserable", but I think it is a very good phrase to describe our trip in NYC. Since we are leaving the city for the tour on Saturday, it's time to pack our stuff back home. A lot of kids now found that their suitcases are not big enough to put in all the things they have bought! This evening we went to have a cruise on Hudson River, and 13 of us took a limo back to the dorm! I believe it was a first-time experience for most of us. The limo was so big and long that everybody was very excited. Some of them even wanted the driver to take a longer route so that they could stayed in the car for a longer time! Tomorrow is the last day of class, and there will be a farewell party for students of the AENY program. Our children are very sweet and thoughtful; some of them bought flowers for their teacher today!
"One Day More" 是音樂劇"悲慘世界"裡的一首歌, 但是我想這是形容我們這趟紐約行到今天為止最好的形容詞了, 星期六就要離開紐約了, 也是該打包的時候了, 很多人已經發現行李箱已經裝不下他們的戰利品!!
今天晚上我們在哈德遜河坐郵輪. 欣賞紐約的夜景, 更讚的是, 我們搭"檸檬車"(limousine超豪華的加長型房車)回宿舍喔!!這可是一生難得的經驗呢!大家都超high的,還有人拜託司機叔叔繞路好待在車子裡久一點呢!!
明天就是上課的最後一天,學校將會為大家準備farewell party歡送派對, 我們團的小孩真是太貼心了, 今天還買了花送給他們親愛的學校英文老師!