

〝今天是我在NY的第三個禮拜,離回去的日子已經很接近了,其實一個月的時間很快的,轉眼間就快過完了。 I have a lot of new experience in NY. 如果有機會,我想再次來紐約。〞…………by Bess


This trip to New York is surely very different from the other trips I took before.  Partly because of the uniqueness of the Big Apple, but mainly because of the deep exploration I made with my friends.  NY is truly fascinating.     Ps. I’ll be back!!…………by Jack

〝紐約市一個處處充滿驚奇的地方,它可能前一秒讓你感動到不行,但後一秒又讓你哭笑不得。 真恨不得自己一天有25小時,馬不停蹄才能走遍大小景點,雖然走的腳都起水泡,但還是樂次不疲,誰叫紐約是個Walking City呢! 無論是到鼎鼎有名的梅西百貨血拼,或是被譽為世界奇蹟的布魯克林大橋走一回,都能攘人流連忘返。 這趟旅程充滿的許多回憶,也開拓了新的視野,如果還有機會,我要再來一次紐約。〞………… 子萱


What can there be inside the 24 km2 place?  Hope for those who left their past, evil for those who were taught to hate, everything for those who don’t want to leave.  I’ll return, New York.…………by Clark

New York is such a wonderful city!  I want to live here in the future! There are so many amazing things to learn t and to go through.  We have learned English, American culture, and even the way New Yorkers live!  I have to thank my parent a lot for giving us this great opportunity. …………by Benny



Coney Island.  一出車站四周靜觀時分有台灣味,車站有淡水捷運站的感覺:射氣球、投籃機、小吃攤(99%hotdog),少數一些不同的,就是有個老舊的遊樂園& 昂貴的消費(投籃機投一顆要2美金!),以及超多人的沙灘。  晚上跑去看最近最紅的 “The Lion King”, I felt like in the dream……..實在太多事好說了! 用四個字形容今天---.> 滿載而歸!〞……… Andy


The experience of New York is 50% good and 50% bad.  We tried different kinds of food: Japanese, Italian, Indian ---- they are nice.  The Broadway shows, The Blue Man, and the music in the Joe’s Pub are all valuable and worthy.  However, the waiters’ attitude is very bad.  They made us feels bad, especially [at the tea shop] 仙跡岩〞… 雨利


It’s kind of enjoyable to live in New York despite my exhausted legs and tanned skin.  We learned a lot, indeed, from the culture if America to American style of living.  I really appreciate the aura of my class.  Everyone wants to practice English more and they really do so, forgetting their native language at the same moment.  We all become more independent and more confident after living foe three for three weeks in NY.  Nevertheless, we learn, visited, and even play in the big apple. ………雨芳

〝時間過好快,四個禮拜就這樣快ending 了,在這裡的每一天都過得好充實,再過一個禮拜就要回台灣了,還真會很捨不得!

在這裡,我做了很多平常不會做的事,真的是學很多。大家都好照顧我,尤其是Sheena & Manda、妞妞、亭萱、尹銓、蛋蛋、Dennis  常常讓你們擔心真是不好意思,傻妞以後會好好照顧自己的!〞…………by 雨欣/ Jennifer


〝紐約的Starbucks&Subway如同台灣7-11一樣無所不在。我覺得來這裡最大的收穫就是認識了很多不同國家的人,並相互用英文交談,如 Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, French, Spanish......真是神奇!〞……by 依文


 SHEENA:  看來學員們在這裡的收穫真不少,希望大家重返紐約心願都能一一成真喔!!!



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