請電 02-27117606或email: ny.uptown@msa.hinet.net
請電 02-27117606或email: ny.uptown@msa.hinet.net
我們的孩子現在正快樂的享受最後一週美東之旅的行程, 因為旅途中, 旅館網路取的較不易, Michelle老師也許無法在本週為大家更新照片或文章, 希望家長們見諒!
華航 CI011 台灣時間8/11早上6:05 抵達台灣
"One Day More" is one of the songs in the musical "Les Meserable", but I think it is a very good phrase to describe our trip in NYC. Since we are leaving the city for the tour on Saturday, it's time to pack our stuff back home. A lot of kids now found that their suitcases are not big enough to put in all the things they have bought! This evening we went to have a cruise on Hudson River, and 13 of us took a limo back to the dorm! I believe it was a first-time experience for most of us. The limo was so big and long that everybody was very excited. Some of them even wanted the driver to take a longer route so that they could stayed in the car for a longer time! Tomorrow is the last day of class, and there will be a farewell party for students of the AENY program. Our children are very sweet and thoughtful; some of them bought flowers for their teacher today!
"One Day More" 是音樂劇"悲慘世界"裡的一首歌, 但是我想這是形容我們這趟紐約行到今天為止最好的形容詞了, 星期六就要離開紐約了, 也是該打包的時候了, 很多人已經發現行李箱已經裝不下他們的戰利品!!
今天晚上我們在哈德遜河坐郵輪. 欣賞紐約的夜景, 更讚的是, 我們搭"檸檬車"(limousine超豪華的加長型房車)回宿舍喔!!這可是一生難得的經驗呢!大家都超high的,還有人拜託司機叔叔繞路好待在車子裡久一點呢!!
明天就是上課的最後一天,學校將會為大家準備farewell party歡送派對, 我們團的小孩真是太貼心了, 今天還買了花送給他們親愛的學校英文老師!
Since this is the third and last week in NYC, students are given more free time to go around by themselves. Before they went to see "Les Miserable" on Monday evening, some of us went to "Dylan's Candy Bar". It is a candy shop owned by Ralph Lauren's daughter; there are countless kinds of sweets in the store. Across the street is the department store "Bloomingdale". Of course, we went in, but thankfully this time the students didn't spend too much money on shopping. Yesterday we went to Metropolitan Museum of Art. Students were given more than two hours to see the sections they like, and I went to buy the tickets for Friday's Yankees' game. Probably you'll wonder why we're going to the game again, but the answer is easy and clear-- Wang is pitching for that night's game! Although we watched a great game last time, it would still be a pity if we didn't see Wang. There are only a few days left for our stay in NYC, we will make use of every nickel of time and record the best memory of this city.
因為是在紐約的最後一週, 對紐約更熟悉了, 大家有更多時間自己去到處看看. 星期一晚上要去看悲慘世界前,我們去了"Dylan's Candy Bar"這是服裝大師Ralph Lauren的女兒開的, 各式各樣特別的糖果, 店的對面是" Bloomingdale"百貨,那可是紐約高檔百貨公司, 我們當然不能免俗的要給它逛逛啦!!不過還好我們的小朋友這次可沒花什麼錢!!
咦~~~不是去過了嗎??? 幹麻還買呢???????Do you know why?????
因為我們要去看王建民了!!! SO HAPPY! 國旗也都準備好了!! 大家一起來為王建民加油!!!
Our first day to Boston was a little rough, but we finally made it to Boston and went to three distinguished schools- Yale, Harvard, and MIT. Although we set off late, we were lucky enough that we didn't encounter the heavy rain when touring these places. Boston is a very nice place; it is beautiful and quiet. Finally, after visiting Quincy Market, we went to the restaurant and had lobsters! Everybody (except Simon, it is so bad that he doesn't eat seafood) took a picture with their lobster and ate it up. We spent the night at Hilton Garden Inn. The rooms were pretty comfortable, and each room has two double beds for only two people. On Sunday morning, we headed to Woodbury Outlet. Although we were only given three hours to shop in this village of stores, we all made use of our time and bought a lot of clothes, shoes, and bags back to NYC. Tomorrow the group is going to watch "Les Miserable," and they are all looking forward to it!
第一天的波士頓之旅我們一口氣參觀了三個名校--耶魯,哈佛, 麻省理工學院, 雖然出發的有點晚, 但是我們超幸運的都沒遇上大雨, 波士頓真是個好地方,安靜又美麗, 參觀完昆西市場,終於到了吃龍蝦時間, 一人一隻, (除了Simon, 真是糟糕他竟然不吃海鮮), 大家不但跟龍蝦拍了照還通通吃光光。晚上住宿Hilton Garden Inn一人一張大床喔!超舒服的!星期天一大早我們衝到Woodbury!雖然我們只給了三個小時時間逛街,大家都充分利用而且買了很多衣服阿,鞋子阿, 袋子阿!大家可以卯足了勁喔! 明天就要去看悲慘世界了!!!